CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES Ingredients: 2 c. flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tbsp.cocoa 2 large eggs 1
1/3 c. milk 1/3 c. vegtable oil 1/2 tsp. salt chocolate chips- amount of choice 1 pint heavy whipping cream*
1 tbsp. sugar*
Procedures: Whip 1 pint heavy whipping cream with 1 tbsp. sugar until stiff and refrigerate. Mix flour, baking
powder, salt, eggs, milk, oil, and cocoa together. Cook pancake mix as regular pankcakes in well oiled non-stick pan over
medium heat. Cook until bubbles surface on the pancakes then flip until done. Place on plates and sprinklewith chocolate chips.
Spread whipped cream on top and serve immediately. *PLease Note:Syrup can be used instead of whipped cream.
PLease Note: *Whipping cream and sugar can be replaced with regualr pancake syrup.